Livia R.

Livia R.

Icon Time905h
Icon Heart13
Icon Chat12
Icon Work Experience11.5 years

SĂŁo Caetano do Sul, SP, Brasil

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A melhor maneira de prever o futuro Ă© criĂĄ-lo. - Abraham Lincoln

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Usually responds within 1 hour

Replies to 85% of all messages received

What do you love the most about teaching?

O que mais amo em ser professora Ă© ser capaz de ensinar e fazer que os alunos consigam conquistar seus sonhos e metas. Amo ensinar inglĂȘs para o crescimento profissional dos meus alunos. What I love most about being a teacher is being able to teach and get the students to achieve their dreams and goals. I love teach English for the professional growth of my students.

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  • Schedule in advance at least: 4 hours
  • Free cancellation within: 1 hour
  • Free cancellations per month: 2 cancellation
Accepted payment methods
  • Card
Livia R.

Livia R.

Icon Time905h
Icon Heart13
Icon Chat12
Icon Work Experience11.5 years

SĂŁo Caetano do Sul, SP, Brasil

Starting from

Usually responds within 1 hour

Replies to 85% of all messages received

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